Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Heated Holiday Book Review

This story was awesome, just like the other stories in the BPI series. Roth has another winner on her hands. Cambridge and Cassie are two strong characters who find each other in the unlikeliest of places. Cassie grew up with hate filled purist who are calling for the genocide of supernaturals, but she wants nothing to do with this evil and cruel people. She makes it her mission to alert anyone who can help of the dastardly plans her fiendish stepfather has in store. On her mission she runs into the one person who will irrecoverably change her life. Cambridge never thought that he would ever find his mate but he literally walks into her and she saves his life and the lives of many others. Their connection is combustible, and spicy. I loved these characters together. I wish the story was longer. This story was fun, sexy, and very well written.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Monster Needs Your Vote Book Review
In this current political season with the multitude of candidates vying for votes and trying to make political gains, it can be a complex and taxing time figuring out who should get your vote. A lot is at stake and your vote can be the determining factor in dictating how some parts of society is run. "Monster Needs Your Vote" by Paul Czajak and illustrated by Wendy Grieb is the perfect book about politics and moral causes. Czajak weaves an encouraging and fun tale that will teach children about the voting process and the importance of making their voice heard.

Using rhyme Czajak delivers an important message about standing up for what you believe in. Monster was a dedicated candidate who didn't want to let the citizens of America down. He found a issue that was significant to everyone and fought to get his voice heard. Education is a cause that is undeniably pertinent to society, so Monster ran his campaign of protecting and enhancing education and educational resources like libraries. Even when obstacles tried to stop him he didn't get discouraged, he knew that what he was fighting for was worth being persistent and rallying forward.

I truly enjoyed this story, and monster would definitely get my vote. With beautifully written prose and illustrations that were rich and striking, Monster wormed his way into my heart. I found his courage and strength to fight for what he believed in to be empowering, smart and refreshing. This book is definitely a winner and it is ideal to teach young children about politics, democracy, and taking a stand for what you believe in. Monster took a stand in a mighty way and this book will definitely engage your children in politics in a cute and fun way.