Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Dark Wolf by Kate Douglas book review

This book was emotionally charged, sexy, intense, and action packed. I really loved the previous Wolf Tales series and this series has proven to be equally as awesome and well-written. Douglas definitely knows how to pull on your heart strings and give you a passion filled story that you won't want to put down. She skillfully bridges the gap from the last chanku tale to the new generation, I was very excited to see how the characters grew and I was not disappointed. I found Lily and Sebastian to be very likable characters. I wanted their love to triumph over the obstacles in their way. I also loved how they both fought for what they wanted, Sebastian even against his own father. I enjoyed seeing the chanku come together to fight their adversary, they always have each others back no matter what, it's refreshing. I highly recommend this book it is everything that is awesome.

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