" The Cow in Patrick O'Shanahan's Kitchen" by Diana Prichard and
illustrated by Devlin Knopf was a cute and fun book for early readers.
This book is about a little boy named Patrick O'Shanahan who woke up one
day thinking about breakfast
and when he got to the kitchen he had the surprise of his life. When
Patrick got to his kitchen there was a cow there staring back at him.
Completely shocked at seeing the cow, Patrick expected his father to
equally in awe. But his father didn't act as if anything was strange.
Now apprehensive Patrick commences to gather ingredients for french
toast, but when he opens the refrigerator there is chickens
where the eggs should be. This book takes readers from the usually
mundane breakfast back to the farm and the root of where our food grows.
I truly enjoyed reading this story, I found Patrick to be bright, fun, clever, and smart. I enjoyed how he went with the flow, despite some extraordinary circumstances. The illustrations were simple and soft but I felt they were just right for the story. The illustrations added a quirky element to the book that I found engaging.
I think young readers will love this story and come back to it time and again. This book will also be a great tool to use in the classroom for a social studies or science lesson. Learning where your food comes from is a great lesson for young children. I think they will find it intriguing, cool, weird, and they may be disgusted, but it will be valuable knowledge.
The Cow in Patrick O'Shanahan's Kitchen
I truly enjoyed reading this story, I found Patrick to be bright, fun, clever, and smart. I enjoyed how he went with the flow, despite some extraordinary circumstances. The illustrations were simple and soft but I felt they were just right for the story. The illustrations added a quirky element to the book that I found engaging.
I think young readers will love this story and come back to it time and again. This book will also be a great tool to use in the classroom for a social studies or science lesson. Learning where your food comes from is a great lesson for young children. I think they will find it intriguing, cool, weird, and they may be disgusted, but it will be valuable knowledge.
The Cow in Patrick O'Shanahan's Kitchen
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